Joanna Stallard

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I was born in Aberystwyth, grew up in North Wales, and spent most of my childhood and young adult life in Llangollen, Denbighshire.

As a teenager, I became involved in youth politics as part of my local Town Council, County Youth Council and the Welsh Youth Parliament, through which I had the opportunity to speak in the live televised Parliamentary Youth Debate in 2014 where I spoke in English and Welsh at the dispatch box, about a Welsh hero, Hedd Wyn, from Trawsfynydd, which further ignited my interest in pursuing a political career in the future. I also spent time completing work experience and an internship with local politicians which meant I gained exposure to Westminster and local politics while still at school.

After graduating from the University of Exeter in History and German BA in 2019, I took on the role of Parliamentary Researcher for the MP, Susan Elan Jones (Labour MP 2010-2019), whose constituency covered my hometown, Llangollen. Currently I work as a Talent Manager in London, responsible for recruitment across EMEA for an Expert Network company called Atheneum.

I am very passionate about ensuring the Welsh voice is amplified as an important perspective in the political debate which often does not get the attention it deserves. I am looking forward to campaigning in Dwyfor Meirionnydd with the importance of the Welsh language at the core of my mission.


The most important thing we can do between now and polling day is knock on as many doors in the constituency as possible and spread the word about our incredible candidate. Will you sign up to knock on doors?

Call voters

If you're not able to get out on the doors, you can still have vital conversations with voters about our excellent candidate using the Labour Party's Dialogue app. Click here to make calls in the constituency.


Labour's Five Missions for a Stronger, Fairer and Greener Wales.

Every day, we're working hard to deliver the promises we made to people across Wales – but imagine how much more we could do with a Labour Government in Westminster and Keir Starmer as Prime Minister.

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