Labour's Six Steps to Change Wales.

The country needs change and change cannot be offered by a Conservative Party that has been in power for 14 years and brought so much chaos and waste to the country. Change will only come through a vote for a Labour Government in Westminster, to work with your Welsh Labour Government for Wales and Britain’s future.

With these six steps we set out Labour’s core offer to voters in Wales. They are not the sum total of Labour’s policy offer – that will be set out in our election manifesto – but they show our priorities, what we care about and what the Welsh people care about.

Last year Keir set out his five national missions to start to get Britain working again. These missions included ambitious goals for a UK Labour government. Now we are showing the first steps we will take to achieve those missions – a down payment on our determination to begin a decade of national renewal.

The British people know we cannot fix everything overnight. They want costed, credible solutions, not false promises. We will never pledge what we can’t deliver. That is why each of our steps has been carefully costed and for each step we show the hard choices we are making to show where the money is coming from. The foundation for this longterm plan – the first of the steps we set out - is our fiscal rules that put financial stability first. After the economic chaos of recent years, the public need to know that what is promised can be afforded.

For Labour it’s not just about what we will do but how we will do it. We are determined to change the way governing is done - to get the country moving again, to work together in Wales to renew our public services and turn the page on the Tory years of low growth and political instability. That is what mission government is all about. It’s a different approach that means planning for the future and addressing the long term challenges our country faces. Step by step we will achieve our long term plan

4. Set up Great British Energy

a publicly-owned clean power company working with the Welsh Labour Government to cut bills for good, boost energy security and create new jobs, paid for by a windfall tax on oil and gas giants.

  • Every family and business is still paying the price of 14 years of Tory failure in rocketing energy bills.
  • The Tories have squandered our advantage in clean energy, and left the country dangerously exposed to international energy markets controlled by dictators like Putin.
  • It doesn’t have to be this way. Labour has a long-term plan to deliver energy independence and cut bills for good, working with the Welsh Labour Government.
  • As a first step Labour will launch Great British Energy, a new publicly owned clean power generation company to take back control of our energy supply producing cheaper power for our country.
  • Great British Energy will cut bills for families, and ensure that jobs and supply chains are built here in the UK, rebuilding the strength of British industry. Labour’s plan will lower bills because renewables are far cheaper than gas.
  • Great British energy will have an initial capitalization of £8.3 billion over a Parliament, paid for by a proper windfall tax on oil and gas giants who have made record profits from soaring bills.
  • This step is part of our mission is to make Britain a clean energy superpower by 2030 - helping families save £300 per year off their energy bills, boosting our energy independence, and creating over 29,000 good jobs in Wales.
  • Working with the Welsh Labour Government and building on the work of Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru, Labour will invest in clean energy and good jobs, cut energy bills once and for all, and make Britain energy independent.

5. Crack down on antisocial behaviour

with more neighbourhood police paid for by ending wasteful contracts, tough new penalties for offenders, and investment in youth services.

  • Antisocial behaviour is making too many people’s lives a misery and is blighting our local communities and town centres. Yet too often nothing is done, because neighbourhood policing has been dismantled.
  • Over 20 million people witness or experience antisocial behaviour locally every year – yet more than half the public say they never see officers on patrol.
  • Labour will put 13,000 extra neighbourhood police and PCSOs on the beat and give every community a named and contactable officer they can get in touch with, so policing gets back to doing what it’s supposed to do.
  • Our Respect Orders, tough court orders similar to ASBOs, will allow us to ban those repeatedly wreaking havoc in town centres and problem areas. Our fast-track Public Space Protection Orders will make it quicker and easier to clamp down on rapid escalations in drug dealing or drinking.
  • There will be a new partnership between two Labour governments to keep our streets safe and tackle antisocial behaviour. The Welsh Labour Government is providing ongoing investment in youth services to help them meet the changing needs of young people and help them build confidence, connection, and valuable skills.
  • Labour has a plan to tackle antisocial behaviour and restore neighbourhood policing; five more years of the Tories would see antisocial behaviour continue to plague local communities, and neighbourhood policing continue to decline.