Steve Witherden

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I am Steve Witherden and I am the Welsh Labour Party candidate for Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr.

I’m 42 and I live in the north of the constituency, with my wife Katie (an NHS Cancer Services worker) and my son and daughter (who both attend primary and secondary schools in the constituency).

A teacher, I have worked at a school on the edge of the constituency and teaching children from our constituency for 18 years, as a Head of a Curriculum Area for 13 years. I have also been actively involved in the trade union movement, elected: Workplace Rep in 2009; County Secretary in 2015; County Joint-Secretary (of a 5-union umbrella body) in 2017; one of the four National Executive members for Wales in 2020; and Cymru President in 2021.

Why am I standing to be MP? I love this area, where I was born and have grown up. Where I live with my family and have put down roots. As a frontline public sector worker and as a resident, I have seen the government of the last 15 years do immense damage and harm here. This damage has only increased in recent years, with a Cost-of-Living Crisis having a devastating effect on our community. We Need Change urgently and I hope to help drive that change.


The most important thing we can do between now and polling day is knock on as many doors in the constituency as possible and spread the word about our incredible candidate. Will you sign up to knock on doors?

Call voters

If you're not able to get out on the doors, you can still have vital conversations with voters about our excellent candidate using the Labour Party's Dialogue app. Click here to make calls in the constituency.


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