Henry Tufnell

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I turned 18 in June 2010, just as the Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition ushered in the age of austerity. Throughout my adult life, I have seen how Tory policy has left our public services decimated and our communities hollowed out.

As a barrister practising in healthcare law, I saw the pressure facing healthcare professionals. As a trade union organiser, I saw exploitative working practices from companies that too often refused to pay their cleaners properly. And as a member of the public, I have seen that those in power, whether Tory politicians or heads of multinational corporations, are simply not listening to ordinary people – and particularly those people in rural and coastal communities such as Pembrokeshire.

It is these injustices that have motivated me to stand, because I believe that a Labour government will help improve people’s lives for the better, and I am confident that I can make a difference as part of that movement.

I have the skills and energy to be an MP that you can be proud of, and that is why I am asking you to give me a chance so that I can fight for you in Westminster.


The most important thing we can do between now and polling day is knock on as many doors in the constituency as possible and spread the word about our incredible candidate. Will you sign up to knock on doors?

Call voters

If you're not able to get out on the doors, you can still have vital conversations with voters about our excellent candidate using the Labour Party's Dialogue app. Click here to make calls in the constituency.


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